1、总经理室: General Manager Office,Executive Office
2、副总经理室:Deputy General Manager Office, Vice General Manager Office
3、总经理助理:Assistant to General Manager
4、综合部经理:Administration Manager
5、综合部副经理:Deputy Administration Manager
6、综合部:Administration Department
8、会议室:Boardroom, Conference Room
9、男:Gentlemen;Gentlemen's Room,Men,Men's
10、市场部经理:Marketing Manager,Manager of Marketing Department
11、市场部副经理:Deputy Marketing Manager,Deputy Manager of Marketing Department
12、人力资源部经理:Human Resource Manager,Manager of Human Resource Department
13、人力资源部: Human Resource Department
14、党群工作部主任:Leader of Party Department
15、综合文秘管理中心: General Secretary Management Center
16、监控室:Surveilance Room, Control Room, Monitor Room.
17、财务部经理:Financial Manager,Manager of Financial Department
18、网络部经理:Network Manager, Manager of Computer Network
19、审计、财务副经理: Deputy Audit and Financial Manager, Deputy Manager of Audit and Financial Department
20、审计视察室:Audit Inspection Office
21、物资采购管理中心:Material Purchasing Management Center
22、基建后勤服务中心:Infrastructure and Logistic Service Center
23、客服部经理: Customer Service Manager,Manager of Customer Service Department
24、客服部: Customer Service Department
25、集团信息化服务部经理:Manager of Group Informatization Service Division
26、综合信息服务局:General Information Service
27、综合信息服务局局长: Director of General Information Service
28、集团信息化服务部: Group Informatization Service Division
1、国内营销部:Domestic Marketing Room
2、总经理室 General Manager's Office
3、董事长室 President's Office/Chairman's Office
4、会议中心 Conference Room/ Meeting Room
5、国际营销部 International Marketing Room
6、人事部 Human Resource Department/ HR Department
7、副总经理室:Vice General Manager's Office
8、营销经理室:Marketing General Manger Room
9、会计结算中心 Finance Department
10、秘书室Secretary Room策划部Planning Dept.
11、预算部Budget Dept.市场部Marketing Dept.
12、工程设计部Construction& Design Dept.样品室 Sample Room会议室Meeting Room
13、保卫室Safe-Guarder Room/Guard Room
14、策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department
15、食堂工作间 Canteen workshop值班室Room on-duty
16、质量安全部 Quality Safety Department
17、部门经理办公室:Section manager's office
18、质量和安全部Quality& Safety Department
19、技术质量部 Technical quality department,
20、市场运行部market movement department,
21、设计开发部design development department
22、副总经理---Office of the general assistant manager
23、助理室---the office of the assistant
24、经理室---the office of the manager
25、签约室三--- Reception Room Three
26、财务部---accounting department
27、策划部---strategy department(division)
28、副总室---the office of vice president
29、工程部--- engineering department
30、总师室--the office the general engineer
31、经理室---office of the manager
32、物业管理---property management
33、策划部,启化部.drafting barracks
34、公共关系部Public Relations Dept.
办公室门牌可翻译为“the doorplate of the office”.
6应急物资储备室 storeroom for emergency reserve
10系统维护室 system maintenance room
12信息管理办公室 information management office
1、Joe nailed the doorplate to the wall.
2、We have moved our house to another place, but my address still is the old, because we moved with our doorplate.
3、This paper, taking a doorplate as the landmark, studies the doorplate recognition algorithm by making full use of the modern image processing technology.
1、董事长 President/Chairman(总经理 General Manager)
2、运营 Operation(i.e.运营总监 Operation Director运营经理 Operation Manager)
3、财务室 Financial Office(财务总监 Chief Financial Officer/Financial Controller)
4、行政助理 Administrative Assistant/Executive Assistant
5、物料室 Material Room(贵公司的物料室应该是放一些材料的吧)/Supply Room(或者供给室,材料库)
6、洽谈室 Negotiation Room(主要是指谈判,商务谈判)/Reception Room(这个更接近接待室或者会客室,看你们所定的洽谈室的主要用途选择吧)
7、会议室 Conference Room/Meeting Room(前者更专业)
8、软装 sorry这个我有点不太理解其汉语的意思·~~~
1、(技术副总) VP Technology-The Vice President of Technology.(用of或for都一样),要请示上司用缩写否?!
2、(行政副总) VP Adminstration- The Vice President of Adminstration.
3、(工程副总) VP Engineering- The Vice President of Engineering
4、(市场副总) VP Marketing- The Vice President of Marketing
5、(研发副总) VP R& D- The Vice President of Research and Development
6、(综合部) Comprehensive Department:综合部仍国内独有名称,我查到中国官方有综合司(Comprehensive Department),我建议可借用无妨。相信其职能跟国外通用的总务部或行政部 General Affairs或 Administration Department差不多,专管鸡扎蒜皮的事(如买文具)。
7、(人力资源部) Human Resource Department(H.R. Dept.)
8、(财务室) Finance Office:也只好入乡随俗,国外多见用Accounting的名称。
9、(商务部) Commercial Department
10、(项目部) Project Management:通常连用项目管理。
11、(工程部) Engineering Management
12、(技术维护中心) Technical Maintenance Center
13、(技术支撑中心) Technical Support Center
14、(产品研发部) Research and Development Department
15、(资料室) Reference room:又有使用Library(图书馆)一词,但穏阵点用Reference Room。
16、(第一会议室) Conference Room 1/ Main Conference Room:用Meeting Room也一样,但不够堂皇。
17、(第二会议室) Conference Room 2
18、(产品演示区) Product Display Area:其实相信使用Show Room已足够了
19、(第一事业部) Business Unit 1:部一词采用Department/ Unit请自行请示上司